Sunday, January 10, 2016

Easy and yummy chocolate mousse recipe

Chocolate mousse is an airy and frothy sort of dessert. You can use it as cupcake topping, cake icing or just eat it with fruits. A heavy but yummy dessert. 

If you love chocolate, then you should try this chocolate mousse recipe.

What you need:
200 grams pure chocolate (melted)
2 pcs large egg white
40 grams powdered sugar (confectioner)
250 ml heavy cream (beaten until hard)
10 ml cold heavy cream

While melting the chocolate, beat the egg white with the powdered sugar until stiff. Then beat the heavy cream. When the chocolate is melted, mix the cold cream, be sure to mix it fast and thoroughly. Chocolate can go back to its temperature fast. Then mix the beaten egg white. Then mix the heavy cream. Store in a small containers or glasses for nice serving. Keep it cool for the next 6 hours or more.

Enjoy! Eet smakelijk!!

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